Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Hello and welcome!

I have been told that when I was younger I did not stop talking! I remember talking incessantly at my younger brother and sister and so it made sense for me to become a Speech and Language Therapist! I work as a highly specialist therapist within the NHS in the UK and have a caseload of pre-school clients with complex special needs and feeding difficulties.

I feel passionately about the children I work with and wanted a way to organise my therapy thoughts, ideas and approaches so that it was accessible to families and other therapists alike.

Please bear with me as I'm not very computer savvy and the blogging world is quite new to me!

Hopefully, I'll make this work, and inspire you fellow therapists and some parents to believe that children with special needs can make great strides with their interaction and communication.

Hope to have you following me soon,
